The Coalition hosted its
5th Annual Martin Luther King Day Serve-A-Thon this past weekend at 30 soup kitchen and food pantries across New York City. Over the serve-a-thon's three days, approximately 400 volunteers participated in taking a "day on, not a day off" and donated their time and efforts in honor of the great Dr. King. Volunteers served food, packed pantry bags, painted, cleaned, distributed information on food stamps, and engaged in a variety of other tasks to boost food programs capacities. Dr. King said, "anybody can be great because anybody can serve." As one participant, Dominic Lounds observed about Dr. King's words , "More than just on a holiday, I think he wanted people to do it all the time. You've got to try and go out and do it as much as you can.” The serve-a-thon was covered by the
Daily News,
NY1, and News12 Brooklyn.
1 comment:
Senator Adams Remarks after volunteering at MASBIA Soup Kitchen in Brooklyn
“…We are all brothers here in the city and there are countless numbers of people who don’t know where their next meal is coming from…”
“I am glad that I am part of this. I am glad that I supported and will continue to support…”
No New Yorker should go without a meal. No New Yorker should have to dig through the garbage…”
“I think that so long that this great Soup Kitchen is here, no New Yorker would have to go without that meal. We must support, sponsor, and make sure that they continue doing this great thing”
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