Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Empty Shelves for NYC Food Providers

Soup kitchens and food pantries in New York City are feeling the strain of not having enough food to feed all the hungry people in need. Brooklyn as the borough with the largest population and the largest number of needy people is particularly strained for resources. The Daily News highlighted the dire situation at two different emergency food providers in Brooklyn. In the last year, 52% of Brooklyn food providers have run out of food at least once. Those in need either just miss the qualifications for food stamps, or only receive enough food stamp benefits to provide meals for 2-3 weeks and then have to resort to food pantries.

1 comment:

Daniel Millstone said...

A few days ago, I am told, my Council Member Rosie Mendez visited a food pantry on Manhattan's Lower East Side and was shown shelves barer than they should be. Can NYC government be encouraged to take necessary steps to reduce the shortages of emergency food?